Manage risks and protect your bottom line.
Take control over how you’re insured
If your company or group is looking for greater financial control and management over insurance risks, a captive may be the answer.
We provide products and services to help facilitate captive formation. Our experienced commercial bankers work alongside industry professionals, like captive management companies, attorneys and CPAs, to help get the job done.
What is a captive?
It’s a property and casualty insurance company owned by the business itself. This type of self-insurance is primarily used to protect business owners from risks and benefit from underwriting profits.
How does it work?
A captive insurance company is similar to traditional insurance. It issues policies, processes claims and is required to follow certain regulations.
What makes a captive different is the decision to keep or distribute any profits made by the captive company. With traditional insurance, the insurance company and shareholders – not the insured business – keep the profits.
How we can help
From deposit accounts and letters of credit to treasury management services, we have products that can meet your captive investment needs.
If you’re ready to form a captive, our award-winning team can help you find the right resources